Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bleach Monster Part 3

February 10, 2013

Danit was sitting at the kitchen table watching her daughter, Audrey. Her husband, Robbie went out to get a pizza and pick up some items from the grocery store.
Danit was in a good mood. But still contemplating what she was going to do about Murray. She knows he’s a good soul. But she was still worried after he slew his “girlfriend” Becky with bleach.

Murray had been quiet lately. He had a few bleach attacks on people. He saved an old lady getting robbed in a bank’s parking lot. He didn’t kill her attacker. He took the thug out with two sprays of bleach. He saved a cute teen girl from her drugged out boyfriend. He didn’t kill him. Chances of him ever getting what he thought he was getting from his girlfriend with any other girl were reduced to zero.

He did go after the superficial people. These people were not harming anyone physically. They were just stupid. But this was on his own “time”. His new “hobby” was more self-righteous. That was in his mind.

Robbie strolled in with the pizza. Danit got the plates out and water out. She cut a piece in half for Audrey. For some reason she wanted wine. She never drank. Even weirder she wanted red. On the rare occasion she had a glass of wine she would usually have chardonnay.
Robbie opened a nice bottle of Hagefen Cabernet-Franc. She started sipping more than usual. She was getting tipsy. Robbie put Audrey in her room. Danit was talking really fast and she fell down. Robbie picked her up and placed on her on the couch. Billy Joel was playing in the background.

Danit’s speech was slurred. Her eyes were bloodshot. She was saying strange things. As you can tell, she was not a drinker. She tried to speak. As she opened her mouth wine spewed out. It wasn’t that she was spitting it out. She was shooting it out the way Murray shot bleach.

She passed out for about an hour or so. Robbie watched her sleep. She seemed fine. He figured, she needed her rest and all would be well. He had no idea about Murray and his skills. No one but Danit knew the true identity of the bleach monster.

As she slept, she dreamed about using her newfound powers to take on Murray. Wine vs. bleach. That could be very interesting. But would she remember her dreams?
When she woke up, Robbie asked if she felt ok? She said, she was fine and would stick to white wine. She figured the tannins in the red made her sick.
The next morning she went to work. Everything was fine in the newsroom. Then one of the usual local crazies called with a story about a sewer leakage in a park. She hopped in her car and drove out to meet the maintenance staff. She shot a few pictures.

The nut job was in all his glory telling how he he first smelled an awful aroma near the beach and saw that the pipes near the dock had exploded. Danit smiled and walked back to her car. The local followed her.

He tapped her on the shoulder. She asked what he wanted. He wanted them to do a feature on all his work in the neighborhood to keep things safe. She said they’d think about it.
He got edgy and said how they have to do it. She just smiled and unlocked her car door. He pulled out a knife and ran toward her. She started to scream. The lunatic was aghast. He jumped back during her blood curdling screams. He thought he really stabbed her. He didn’t want to hurt her. He was off his meds and was acting crazy. His face was red.
He thought her blood was all over him. But he didn’t smell blood. He smelled grapes. Her screams propelled wine out of her entire body. The crazy guy was now drunk. The wine went right into his bloodstream.

Danit was horrified. She wondered what happened to her. She immediately dialed Murray. She thought she has his “disease”. Thankfully he failed to pick up. As she listened to his voicemail, she understood she might now have a weapon to take him out. Of course, she’d only take him out was he was in his crazy mode. She would probably help him when he was saving little kids and the elderly.

Over the next few weeks, she avoided Murray. He was fairly calm. He was dating a new crazy girl, Stacey. She was one of his typical types crazy or a princess. Some were a mix of both. Of course, Stacey is on meds.

Danit was shy about using her power. She never told anyone. Robbie had no idea. No stories were ever written about her antics. A few were submitted. However, Danit used her editorial powers to delete them and destroy all evidence ever reported to the media.

She wrote a few stories about bullying and was determined to take out any of the idiots that bullied.

On a rainy Sunday afternoon Danny, a sweet but heavy fourteen-year-old boy was at the movies with his friend, Matt. Danny has been bullied a lot because he’s the fat kid. He was way too heavy for his own health. His mom was in decent shaped. His dad was not.

Sadly, this kid always picked last for any sports team, the school plays, etc. He had good grades. He dressed ok. It was tough for his mom to find nice clothes for him. The European clothes that he so adored were all cut too small.

He went to a few doctors. They gave him diet and training plans. His mom, who loved him more than any thing took him a trainer. He started to lose some weight. He was feeling better about himself. He was still not playing baseball like Jeter or landing the starring role like Brad Pitt. But he was stronger physically and mentally. For a little while no one made fun of him. He was feeling more confident than he ever did. A few girls even started talking to him and complemented him on his new looks.
Unfortunately his mom got hurt, while working on the family garden. She was getting better. But she spent a lot of time in physical therapy. She spent as much time as she could with him. But she had to slow down a little.

He got depressed and started eating more again. He quickly gained back the weight he lost.

Danny waltzed up to the candy counter at the theater. Danit was there with Audrey. She was buying her popcorn and a soda. This was Audrey’s first Disney movie. In fact, it was her first movie ever. Murray and Stacey were there waiting for Angelina’s new movie. The two of them were in phenomenal shape. They worked out 24/7.
Danny bought too much candy. Matt told him not to. But he was in one of his moods. As Danny was walking away candy in hand, some of the older kids from his school saw him. Some of their older siblings were there too. They started taunting him.

They yelled out all types of fat jokes. They ran up to him and started punching him in the stomach. They said they were tying to see if they would bounce off him. Matt was scared to defend Danny. There were to many aggressors. He’d get his ass kicked. The movie theater staff was oblivious to what was going on.
Other theatergoers tried to get the older kids to stop. But they spit on them. Danny was hysterical crying. They beat up Matt for being the fat kid’s friend. The girls who were friendly with Danny when he was in better shape laughed at him.

He was curled up into a ball. The kids just wouldn’t leave him alone. They opened all the candy he bought and spilled it all over him. One of the cuter girls, who he thought was his friend picked up some of the candy. She bent down and opened his crying mouth and shoved it down his throat. She started laughing hysterically.
All of them laughed. Danny was a bloody mess. Tears and blood were all over his face.

Murray stepped out the Men’s room and saw this disaster. Danit noticed Murray and Stacey. She ran over with Audrey. She left Audrey with Stacey. That made her nervous. But Stacey despite her wackiness would never hurt anyone. She had many superficial tendencies. But was not as mean as Becky had been.

Remember Murray is short. But super strong. All the kids who were still beating Danny are tall. They are all athletic and much younger than Murray.
He waked over to Danny. He had some wet napkins and started to wash his face. He told him to stop crying and everything would be ok. Danny tried to smile. But he was so scared. He had no idea why Murray would help him.

The kids saw Danny being helped. They yelled stuff at him. They shot out a lot of short jokes. Murray stood up and laughed. One of them punched him. He took it. The kid’s hand hurt. Murray’s abdomen was rock solid. Two more kids came at Murray. He just stood there.

He started laughing at them. They taunted him for laughing. As the taunts flew, Murray laughed harder. Danny started smiling. He was still in much pain. The kids tried to tackle Murray.
As they ran toward him, bleach started to shoot out like missiles. The kids were drenched in it. Many fell down. They started choking. One started to cry. Danny started to laugh. The girl who beat up Danny started running toward her once cool now bleached friends.

Problem was she ran right into Danit. She tried to push her down. Danit stood strong. The girl’s friends cornered her. Within seconds the girls’ ears popped as Danit started to scream. Wine shot out of her ears and mouth. The girls who loved to have a glass or wine to. Not they were old enough. However, they opened their mouths thinking this was paradise. Little did they know the proof of wine Danit’s weapon shot out was way higher than what’s found in any wine.
The girls passed out. Murray finished off the other obnoxious kids.

Matt came running out of the corner he’d been hiding in. He was feeling better. His main regret was he forgot his iPhone and couldn’t record this for YouTube.
Murray picked up Danny. He handed him a note and ran into the Jolie flick with Stacey. Danit and Audrey were happily seated in their theater.

Danny and Matt ran out of the movie theater and jumped on the “F” train to go home. Danny read the note. It said meet in three days and at this location…

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