Saturday, January 14, 2012

Eating habits

Do buffets gross you out? They do that to me. Yeah, the food can be great.
But did you ever watch people when they approach the buffet table?

I like to go first. This way I can scout it out. First, there must be serving spoons in every dish. Next, the food must look fresh. Third and most important, if you’re first, you avoid the masses.

Years ago, I worked in a really cool place. Everyday we were served great lunches at no cost. Man, I miss those days.

Sounds great doesn’t it? Well, hold your horses. Far too many times both at work and many events at volunteer gatherings and religious institutions, people seem to get too friendly with the food. In other words, they fail to use the servings spoons. Instead, they use their hands.

Some of these slobs taste the food right at the buffet table and what falls out their mouths, often drops back into the food trays.

In my old job, I was one of the people that kept tabs on who failed to wash their hands after they went to the bathroom. It was no surprise that these people were the ones who acted like animals at buffet luncheons.

Recently, I saw a woman pick up a piece of gefilte fish with her hands. Then she ate it without using a fork. Grosser than gross, huh?

Once at a dinner a woman yelled to another woman, “there’s a serving spoon”. The pig smiled and put her hands right back into the food dish. I guess she saved them money. They didn’t need to waste plastic ware on her…...

I have seen this happen in restaurants, too.

Bottom line we need to put health and safety first. People must use silverware and remember to wash when leaving the latrine.